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Rosh HaShanah Seder Kit


Hosting people for Rosh Hashanah this year? Make your New Year's holiday meal a memorable Seder for one and all, with these creative resources and activities!!

Download everything you need to make it happen! 

The kit includes a host guide, a Haggadah for each participant (available in four languages), a centerpiece for your table, creative placemats, instructions for making origami pomegranates and a “Four Children” reflective theatrical activity to be performed at the meal.  


This downloadable Rosh HaShanah kit has been specially created and produced by Kol HaOt for the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, who has generously made it accessible to all. 

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Kol HaOt imparts Jewish values, texts and history through a creative synthesis of the visual and performing arts.

We believe that harnessing the arts, via our interactive programs, is a necessity, not a luxury, and is an effective model for Jewish education, identity and community.

Design - Eli Kaplan-Wildmann‏
WEB development  - ADI LINIAL

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