Kol Haot Gallery | July 8, 2023 | 9:00pm - 11:00pm
You are invited to an evening of poetry, art and guided meditation with arts-based spiritual educator, Dr. Elyssa Wortzman, artist Sandra Valabregue, and poets Rut Kara-Ivanov Kamiel and Orit Gidali at the Kol HaOt Gallery, Artists' Colony, Jerusalem.
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Elyssa Wortzman, an arts-based spiritual educator, who began this week as our current artist-in-residence at the gallery. Elyssa's project is set to weave together the mystical tapestry of kabbalistic ideas into a breathtaking art piece. To help her on this journey, she will be collaborating with talented artist, Sandra Valabregue (our neighbor in the Artists' Colony), together with poets, Rut Kara-Ivanov Kaniel and Orit Gidali. She invites you to an enchanted evening of poetry and guided meditation. It will be a unique opportunity for you to participate in the creation of this remarkable art piece. This Saturday night, July 8, 9-11 pm at Kol HaOt.
Wortzman’s free-form, sinuous abstract landscapes draw you into an emotive world of color. Influenced by the Fauvist approach to color and the interior explorative nature of abstract expressionism, her canvases often have a spiritual message. What she calls “spiritual conceptualism”, based in her Jewish heritage and study (she is a Doctor of Ministry in Jewish Spiritual Direction) informs much of her work in paint and print. In her fantastical
and poignant digital prints, she combines images of her paintings with photographs from her travels, often using herself as a subject, to create palimpsests of midrash, interpretations, of spiritual and mystical wisdom. The role of women, their place as transmitters of wisdom and the oppressiveness of cultural norms become a major theme. One critical goal of her work is to encourage the active participation of the “viewer” in the artwork, often in the form of community art projects. Wortzman sees the creative process as a way for everyone to enter into the shefa, or flow of divine energy that connects us all: “ The image carrier the power of a messenger, in a constant state of evolution, as it is witnessed by the other.” Born in Toronto, Canada, in the 1970s, her work has taken her to France, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Ottawa and Dayton.